How Are You Spending Time Outside of School?


How are you spending time outside of school?

As a high school freshman, most of your day is spent in school, taking classes and learning new things. But what do you do when the final bell rings and the school day is done?

There are tons of opportunities for you to get involved in extracurricular activities — at school, on your own, in your community — and we encourage you to try out as many as you can!

From sports to music to volunteering (and don’t forget work experience!), getting involved in activities has many benefits: It’s a great way to reduce stress, pursue a passion, build leadership skills, make new friends, or try something completely new!

And when it comes time for you to apply to colleges in a few short years, they’ll want to see that you’re doing something outside of school that’s meaningful to you. So, we recommend you keep track of every club, job, camp, sport, experience — whatever you try — throughout high school (and how much time you spend doing them, if possible). 

Here are some ways to spend your time outside school:

School activities

Busy with basketball or the bassoon? Active in anime or a cappella? Down with dance or debate? No matter what your interests and talents are, there’s bound to be an outlet for it at your school. Ask around and get involved in a before- or after-school club or activity that’s worthwhile to you!

Personal activities

Whether you prefer to volunteer with a religious organization, counsel kids at summer camp, or walk dogs at an animal shelter, non-school-sponsored activities are just as fun and meaningful, so give them a try. Model airplane building? Independent science research? Skydiving? (No thanks!) Whatever your speed, find something that appeals to you, and go with it!

Work experiences

Having a paying job is an excellent way to spend your time outside of school. It teaches you responsibility, time management, teamwork … and did we mention the paying part? Part-time jobs are also a great way to show colleges that you’re willing to work hard. 

Family responsibilities

Taking care of a younger sibling or aging relative is one of the most important things you can do when you’re not in school. It takes not only time, but also strength, responsibility, and maturity. You can also list out chores like pet and lawn care. By contributing to your family, you’re gaining the skills you need to succeed in college and in life.


Experience Outside the Classroom


Making the Most of Your High School Schedule